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Bird Of Paradise Pose

standing balance pose that also involves a deep stretch for the hamstrings, hips, and side body. This pose challenges your balance, flexibility, and strength, making it an advanced asana for many practitioners.

Physical Benefits:

  1. Strengthens the legs, especially the standing leg.
  2. Stretches the hamstrings, groins, and hips.
  3. Opens the shoulders and chest.
  4. Enhances balance and stability.
  5. Improves body awareness and concentration.

Steps to Practice Bird of Paradise Pose:

  1. Begin in Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana) with your right leg forward.
  2. Bind your hands: Bring your left arm under the right thigh and reach it behind your back. Bring your right arm behind your back and clasp your hands.
  3. Transition to standing: Look down at the ground and step your left foot closer to your right foot. Then, slowly stand up, keeping your hands bound and lifting your right foot off the ground.
  4. Extend the bound leg: Once standing, begin to straighten your bound right leg in front of you. This is a deep hamstring stretch, so it’s okay if the leg doesn’t straighten completely.
  5. Lift the leg to the side: Once you feel balanced, open your right leg out to the side while keeping it as straight as possible. Turn your gaze in the opposite direction for an additional challenge.
  6. Hold and breathe: Stay in the pose for a few breaths, keeping your core engaged and spine elongated. Ground down through your standing foot.
  7. Release: Slowly bend the extended leg, come back to the center, and then carefully release the bind. Return to standing position and shake out the legs and arms.
  8. Repeat on the other side.

Modifications & Props:

  1. Strap: If you can’t reach your hands behind your back, use a strap to bridge the gap between them.
  2. Wall: Practice next to a wall to help with balance when standing up and extending the leg.


Avoid practicing Bird of Paradise Pose if you have a recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, back, or shoulders. As always, it’s best to consult with a yoga instructor or therapist if you’re unsure whether this pose is appropriate for you.


  1. Warm-up: Ensure you’re sufficiently warmed up before attempting this pose, especially the hamstrings, hips, and shoulders.
  2. Stay grounded: Engage your standing foot and leg muscles, pressing them firmly into the ground.
  3. Engage your core: Your abdominal muscles will help you maintain balance and support your spine.

Incorporating Bird of Paradise Pose into your yoga practice can be both challenging and rewarding. With patience, practice, and perhaps some helpful modifications, you’ll find stability and grace in this beautiful asana.

Camel pose in a twist

While the classic Ustrasana doesn’t involve a twist, variations can introduce twists for added challenge and benefits. Here’s a detailed overview of „Ustrasana with a Twist“ or „Twisted Camel Pose.“

Ustrasana with a Twist (Twisted Camel Pose)


  • „Ustra“ means „camel“ in Sanskrit.
  • Asana means „pose.“


  • Stretches and opens the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps.
  • Introduces a twist, which aids in spinal mobility and massages internal organs.
  • Enhances shoulder flexibility.
  • Strengthens the back muscles and improves posture.


  1. Starting Position: Begin in Vajrasana (Kneeling Pose) – sit on your heels with your knees hip-width apart.
  2. Rise Up: Lift your hips, so you’re kneeling upright with your thighs perpendicular to the ground.
  3. Twist Initiation: Twist your torso to the right. As you do, place your right hand on your right heel or ankle. Your left arm should extend upwards or can be placed on the waist.
  4. Deepen the Twist: Turn your gaze and head to look up, deepening the twist without straining the neck. Your left shoulder should be drawing back, opening the chest.
  5. Hold: Maintain the pose, ensuring your hips remain aligned and are pressing forward, for about 20-30 seconds.
  6. Release: Slowly untwist, returning to the upright kneeling position. Pause for a breath, then repeat on the opposite side.


  • If you cannot reach the heels, use yoga blocks under your hands for added height.
  • For a deeper backbend and twist, you can attempt to touch the opposite heel. For instance, when twisting to the right, try reaching the left hand to the right heel.


  • Individuals with back, neck, or knee injuries should approach this pose with caution.
  • Those with high or low blood pressure, insomnia, or migraines should either avoid this pose or practice under expert guidance.
  • Avoid this pose if you have any severe spinal conditions like a herniated disc.


  1. Increases spinal flexibility, especially in the thoracic (mid-back) region.
  2. Aids in digestion and stimulates abdominal organs.
  3. Opens and stretches the front of the body.
  4. Helps to alleviate mild backaches.

Note: Always warm up before practicing deep backbends or twists. As with any yoga pose, it’s essential to listen to your body and never push into pain. The Twisted Camel Pose can be intense, so it’s advisable to practice it under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor, especially if you’re a beginner or have any health concerns.

Cat Pose On The Forearms

can provide different benefits and sensations. This variation is sometimes referred to as „Forearm Cat Pose“ or „Elbow Cat Pose“. It’s essentially a fusion of the classic Cat Pose and the forearm plank foundation.

Physical Benefits:

  1. Strengthens the shoulders and upper back.
  2. Engages the core muscles.
  3. Stretches the back, especially the upper and middle back.
  4. Increases flexibility and mobility in the spine.
  5. Relieves tension in the neck and back.

Steps to Practice Cat Pose on the Forearms:

  1. Start on All Fours: Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
  2. Transition to Forearms: Lower down onto your forearms, ensuring that your elbows are directly below your shoulders. Your forearms can either be parallel to each other or your hands can be clasped.
  3. Maintain Alignment: Ensure that your knees are directly below your hips and your legs are hip-width apart. Your back should be in a neutral position.
  4. Exhale into Cat: As you exhale, round your spine towards the ceiling, tucking your chin to your chest and drawing your belly button towards your spine.
  5. Inhale to Neutral: As you inhale, return to the neutral, elongated spine position.
  6. Flow with Breath: Continue to move between the rounded spine and the neutral spine, synchronizing with your breath.
  7. Release: After several breaths, gently release back to a tabletop position on your hands and knees or sink back into a Child’s Pose for relaxation.

Modifications & Props:

  1. Cushioning for Knees: If you feel discomfort in your knees, place a folded blanket or yoga mat underneath them for extra padding.
  2. Focus on Spine: If you’re not feeling the stretch in the upper back, ensure you’re truly rounding the spine, pushing the ground away with your forearms.


Those with severe wrist, elbow, or shoulder issues should approach this pose with caution. Always consult with a yoga instructor or therapist if you’re unsure about practicing any specific pose.


  1. Engage the Core: While the primary focus is on spinal movement, don’t forget to engage the core muscles, especially when rounding the spine.
  2. Mind the Neck: Ensure your neck is a continuation of your spine. When rounding the spine, the neck naturally comes down, but avoid forcing the chin too hard into the chest.
  3. Synchronize with Breath: Allow the movement of the spine to flow naturally with your breath. This not only helps in ensuring you’re holding the pose for the right amount of time but also promotes relaxation and concentration.

Incorporating variations like the Cat Pose on the forearms into your yoga practice can offer a fresh perspective on traditional poses and may help in addressing different areas of flexibility and strength. As with any asana, the key is to listen to your body, practice consistently, and enjoy the journey of exploration.

Warrior with hands behind your back

While „Warrior with hands behind your back“ is not a traditional name for a pose in classical yoga texts, it can be seen as a fusion of the Warrior Pose (commonly Warrior I or Warrior II) with a hands-clasped stretch.

Physical Benefits:

  1. Strengthens the legs, ankles, and feet.
  2. Stretches the chest, lungs, shoulders, and neck.
  3. Opens the hips and groins.
  4. Enhances stamina and endurance.
  5. Improves balance and stability.
  6. Deepens the shoulder and chest opening, helping to counteract hunching or slouching.

Steps to Practice Warrior with Hands Behind Your Back:

  1. Begin in Warrior I or II: For the sake of this explanation, let’s start with Warrior II. Stand with your feet about 3-4 feet apart. Turn your right foot out to the side (90 degrees) and your left toes slightly inward.
  2. Bend the Right Knee: Align the right knee directly over the right ankle so that the shin is perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Clasp Hands Behind the Back: Bring both arms behind your back and clasp your hands. If your shoulders are tight, you can hold onto a strap or towel between your hands.
  4. Open the Chest: With hands clasped, press your knuckles down towards the floor, opening the chest and drawing the shoulder blades together. Lift your heart.
  5. Hold the Pose: Keep the deep bend in the front knee, ensuring it doesn’t move past the ankle. Gaze over the right fingertips, keeping the neck long and relaxed.
  6. Release and Switch: After holding for several breaths, release the hands and switch sides.

Modifications & Props:

  1. Strap or Towel: If you can’t comfortably clasp your hands behind your back, hold onto a strap or towel between your hands to create some space.
  2. Wall: If balance is a challenge, practice the pose close to a wall.


Those with recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, back, or shoulders should be cautious. High blood pressure patients should avoid holding the pose for too long. Always consult with a yoga instructor or therapist to ensure any specific pose is suitable for you.


  1. Maintain Strong Foundation: Keep the back foot firmly grounded and ensure the outer edge is sealed to the floor.
  2. Knee Alignment: Ensure the bent knee doesn’t move inward. Keep it aligned with the second toe.
  3. Engage Core: Keep the core muscles engaged to maintain balance and stability.
  4. Shoulder Comfort: Ensure the shoulder stretch is comfortable. Intensity can be adjusted by the distance between the hands (if using a strap) or the tightness of the clasp.

Incorporating variations like „Warrior with hands behind your back“ into your practice can bring a fresh element to traditional poses, emphasizing different aspects of stretch and strength. As always, practice with awareness, respect your body’s limits, and enjoy the journey of exploration.

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